Monday, July 5, 2010


Hi folks! I know, I know. If you are reading this and recognize who I am, your probably thinking that Armageddon is about to happen. If your reading this and wondering 'huh', you probably don't know who I am and that's fine. You see, I'm very happy to be one of the people behind the scenes. The paws4vets program is turning out to be a lot more than I had bargained for when I first asked to be part of the program. In a good way I swear.

I can only speak for myself, but after being injured in Iraq my life turned a 180 and changed me for what I assumed would be forever. When you spend literally half your life serving in the military you start to become..........well? Military I suppose. That probably doesn't make any seance. It seems like the person you are would determine the sort of work a person does. If your not careful the work you do can indeed determine the sort of person you are. After being told that I would never be allowed to serve side by side with my Army brothers and sisters, I felt that my purpose in life had just been altered in a negative way. If the military is who I am but I am unable to continue my career.............what now? Family is great don't get me wrong but really, what now? Do I just sit around unable to do much of anything and just grow old?

In comes the dogs via paws4vets program.

Since I've been a part of the paws4vets program, I've been able to work with several dogs and meet a lot of really wonderful people that I would have never had the chace to meet otherwise. Currently, JAKE and DEJA are the two dogs that I get to work (and live) with. Of course I can't even begin to call myself a professional dog trainer. I am not. I can however say that I feel pretty good about training with the dogs and that I feel I do pretty good at it. I've broken the ice and finally started to 'blog' so in time I'm sure I will go into detail of what I do with them. For now, I will just close by saying that they are giving me another purpose. Knowing what these dogs do for me is wonderful and I selfeshly accept it. Knowing what these dogs can do for other service members in need of them is a greater feeling than I can explain. Good night all. I will return soon.

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